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New Poll: With SCOTUS Disapproval At All Time High in NH, Kelly Ayotte Can’t Run From Gorsuch Ties

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New Poll: With SCOTUS Disapproval At All Time High in NH, Kelly Ayotte Can’t Run From Gorsuch Ties 

A new survey from the University of New Hampshire found that a majority of New Hampshire voters – 57 percent – disapprove of the Supreme Court, including 48 percent that “strongly disapprove.”

That’s bad news for Republican candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte, whose legacy of serving as Neil Gorsuch’s “sherpa” for his Senate confirmation process helped pave the way for a number of unpopular rulings, most notably the Dobbs decision, which overturned nearly 50 years of abortion rights, and Trump v. United States, an unprecedented presidential immunity case, among others.

After losing her reelection bid, Ayotte was selected to “shepherd” the confirmation process of then-Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch – joining him in dozens of meetings and preparing him for Senate hearings. During his confirmation process, Gorsuch “refused to take a position on Roe.” He would later go on to vote to overturn decades of abortion rights just “10 minutes after it hit his desk.”

“Kelly Ayotte can’t run from her ties to Justice Neil Gorsuch and the increasingly unpopular Supreme Court – they share the same legacy of working to overturn abortion rights in the Granite State and across the country,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “While Ayotte thinks New Hampshire voters won’t remember, this poll confirms her track record will continue to be a major problem for her, and that Granite Staters can’t trust her.”

