New Poll: Popularity of Gov. Lamont’s Leadership Stretches Across Party Lines
Over 71% of CT Families Also Says They Have an “Excellent” of “Good” Quality Of Life
A new poll from Sacred Heart University in March finds that Governor Ned Lamont is unifying Connecticut families behind his strong leadership during COVID-19, with over 57% of residents saying they approve of how Lamont is handling his job – including an impressive 42% approval among Republicans.
In particular, over 70% of Connecticut residents approve of Lamont’s “overall response and handling of the COVID-19 crisis,” while about 53% approve of the way he is “addressing a plan for businesses in the state.”
Due to Governor Lamont’s strong leadership, it’s not surprising that 71% of Connecticut residents also say they enjoy an “excellent” or “good” quality of life.
Read the full poll here.