New Poll: Popularity of Gov. Lamont’s Leadership Stretches Across Party Lines

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Over 71% of  CT Families Also Says They Have an “Excellent” of “Good” Quality Of Life

new poll from Sacred Heart University in March finds that Governor Ned Lamont is unifying Connecticut families behind his strong leadership during COVID-19, with over 57% of residents saying they approve of how Lamont is handling his job – including an impressive 42% approval among Republicans. 

In particular, over 70% of Connecticut residents approve of Lamont’s “overall response and handling of the COVID-19 crisis,” while about 53% approve of the way he is “addressing a plan for businesses in the state.”

Due to Governor Lamont’s strong leadership, it’s not surprising that 71% of Connecticut residents also say they enjoy an “excellent” or “good” quality of life. 

Read the full poll here.
