New Ad Features Kentucky Parent Slamming Cameron for Anti-Public School Agenda

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New Ad Features Kentucky Parent Slamming Cameron for Anti-Public School Agenda

A new ad from DGA-backed group Defending Bluegrass Values features a public school parent slamming Daniel Cameron for his anti-public school agenda, including his support for an unconstitutional voucher program that would take money from public schools to fund unaccountable private schools, and for claiming he would have backed Matt Bevin’s brutal plan to dismantle hard-earned pensions for public school teachers.

Cameron has unsuccessfully tried to win over Kentucky educators by going on an empty apology tour on behalf of the Kentucky GOP. After years of vilifying teachers and hurting public education across the state, those apologies have fallen flat, with Kentucky teachers “unimpressed by Cameron’s overture,” claiming that the “apple [Cameron’s] offering is rotten to the core.” In fact, just last week, Cameron’s campaign said that a deserved raise for Kentucky’s hard-working teachers wasn’t “feasible.”

“Daniel Cameron has already proven he’s an enemy to public education by supporting harmful policies that would leave public schools and educators worse off. Why should Kentucky families believe he’d act any differently as Governor?” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. 

Watch the ad here, or view a full transcript below: 

“I love the public schools that my kids attend.

Teachers have gone above and beyond.

When Daniel Cameron says he’ll take money out of my kids’ public schools and give it to private schools, that brings out the mama bear in me.

It makes me worry about my kids’ future, about Kentucky’s future.

Daniel Cameron repeats the same policies of Matt Bevin on education.

Following Bevin at the expense of our kids, that tells me all I need to know.

The governor is supposed to protect every kid in Kentucky.

Daniel Cameron has already failed that test.”
