Michigan Press Roundup: ‘It’s been a tough week for Bill Schuette’

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Bill Schuette’s campaign is swirling in controversy and bad press, facing public backlash from prominent local businesses for his anti-LGBTQ record, while Republican and Independent leaders are crossing party lines to endorse Gretchen Whitmer.
Meanwhile, Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball is shifting its forecast for the race from “Toss-Up” to “Likely Democratic.”

  • WKZO-Kalamazoo: “It’s been a tough week for Bill Schuette.”
  • Deadline Detroit: “Thursday was not a good day for GOP gubernatorial nominee Bill Schuette.”
  • Detroit Metro Times: “Lately, it’s been tough for Republican nominee for governor Bill Schuette…”
  • Detroit News: “Republican attorney general Bill Schuette is facing opposition from unusual corners in his bid to be Michigan’s next governor, battling GOP critics and shifting demographics as he takes on Democrat Gretchen Whitmer.”
  • Politics Central: “…the roadblocks for his campaign keep popping up faster than a Michigan highway construction zone.”
