Mark Robinson Fumbles Again
Mark Robinson Fumbles Again
Ahead of the start of the NFL season tonight, a new report is highlighting Mark Robinson’s record of unsportsmanlike conduct, that includes attacking football and NFL players, showing his feet are very out of bounds when it comes to connecting with North Carolinians. Robinson’s playbook includes disparaging remarks about NFL players, saying: “Effeminately Dressed, ‘Tatted Up,’ Nappy Headed, Babies Daddies Are What The NFL Seems To Prefer. That’s Part Of The Reason I Don’t Watch It Anymore.”
Robinson’s penalties didn’t stop there, in 2015, he attacked the NFL for promoting Michael Sam, the first openly gay player in the NFL, referring to Sam as a “low talent bum.”
He’s also said NFL football is as important to him as the “lint between [his] toes.”
“As this year’s NFL season kicks off, the people of North Carolina deserve to know that Mark Robinson’s record is full of personal fouls,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Izzi Levy. “The people of North Carolina deserve better than Mark Robinson, someone who continually throws incomplete passes of hate and division and they are going to intercept his plans of winning in November.”