Malloy, Inslee Statement on Failure of Graham-Cassidy

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Democratic Govs Unanimously Opposed Graham-Cassidy

Today, Republicans in the Senate announced they do not have the votes to pass the Graham-Cassidy health care proposal. The bill was opposed by 24 governors, including every single Democratic governor, 8 Republicans and 1 Independent. Fewer than 20 Republican governors supported the bill – and several GOP governors and candidates refused to comment.
DGA Chair Gov. Dan Malloy (D-CT) and DGA Vice Chair Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) released the following joint statement on the failure of the Graham-Cassidy health care proposal:
“Governors around the country are immensely relieved the Graham-Cassidy health care proposal will not be forced upon our states,” said Governors Malloy and Inslee. “Simply put, this was a bad deal for states and for Americans. It would have cut billions from state budgets, threatened basic services, kicked millions off coverage and jeopardized care for people with pre-existing conditions. Health care might be a political game to some Senators in DC, but it’s a life-or-death issue to our constituents. 
“Democratic governors stood unanimous in opposition to the disastrous Graham-Cassidy bill – the latest misguided Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Voters across the country will hold accountable the governors and candidates who failed to stand up for their constituents. It’s a governor’s job to stand up for their citizens; and many Republican candidates suddenly lost their courage.
“Now, it is time for Congress to move forward in a bipartisan fashion to stabilize markets, protect Medicaid and ensure access to health care for our constituents. Democratic governors remain ready and willing to contribute to this important discussion.” 


Below are the statements from every Democratic governor who opposed the bill:


Gov. Malloy Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill was the “Most Staggering Version of Trumpcare We’ve Seen Yet.” According to a Statement from the Office of Gov. Dan Malloy, “Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman today announced that according to a new analysis of the impact on Connecticut of the Graham-Cassidy bill – the latest version of Trumpcare – healthcare coverage for tens-of-thousands of the state’s residents could be threatened. […] ‘Plain and simple, this is the most staggering version of Trumpcare we have seen yet,’ Governor Malloy said.” [Office of Gov. Dan Malloy, press release, 9/22/17]


Gov. Jay Inslee Wrote a Letter to the Washington Delegation Urging its Members to Oppose the Graham-Cassidy Bill. According to a letter from Gov. Jay Inslee, “We urge you to oppose the latest version of legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The proposed legislation from Senators Cassidy and Graham will harm the people of Washington State and seriously undermine our health insurance market. In many ways, this effort is more damaging than earlier proposals. Senate leaders are recklessly rushing this legislation to the floor of the United States Senate without proper consideration, with no time for comprehensive analysis from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, and just one planned hearing. This is no way to create policy affecting one-sixth of the American economy and the health and financial well-being of millions of Washingtonians.” [Office of Gov. Jay Inslee, Letter, 9/20/17]


Gov. Andrew Cuomo Called on Congress to Reject the Graham-Cassidy Bill. According to a press release from the Office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, “At the same time, Governor Cuomo is calling on New York’s Congressional Delegation to fight the latest and most drastic attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act—the Graham-Cassidy Senate health care bill—that would cut $18.9 billion annually from New York’s health care system by 2026 and jeopardize health care coverage for 2.7 million New Yorkers. ‘The federal government is still trying to decimate our health care system by targeting the quality of care low income Americans are able to receive,’ Governor Cuomo said. ‘Health care is not a privilege or something for those we have the means to afford care—it is a fundamental right. In New York, we are standing up and calling on Congress to immediately rescind impending hospital cuts that will devastate our public and safety hospitals before they take effect on October 1st and reject these last minute, dangerous attempts to repeal the ACA through the Graham-Cassidy bill.’” [Office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, press release, 9/19/17]


Gov. Jerry Brown’s Spokesperson Called the Graham-Cassidy Bill “The Worst Health Care Proposal Coming Out of Washington Yet.”According to a statement from Gov. Jerry Brown’s spokesperson, “This is the worst health care proposal coming out of Washington yet,” said Brown spokesperson Ali Bay. “Millions of people would lose care, and California would lose billions of dollars annually that will disrupt the state’s entire health care system.”


Gov. John Hickenlooper Signed a Bipartisan Letter of Ten Governors Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bi-partisan letter from governors urging the U.S. Senate not to consider the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment and renew support for bipartisan efforts to make health care more available and affordable for all Americans. [Letter, 9/19/17]


Gov. John Carney Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill Would Be a “Disaster” for Delaware Seniors, Delawareans with Disabilities, Children, and Low-Income Adults. According to a Statement from the Office of Gov. John Carney, “Governor John Carney on Thursday released the following statement on the Graham-Cassidy Health Care legislation in the U.S. Senate, which could cost Delaware more than $2 billion in federal funding reductions by 2026, cuts that would reduce access to quality health care and shift costs onto Delaware families and the state budget:  ‘This bill would be a disaster for Delaware seniors, Delawareans with disabilities, and children and adults in low-income households who depend on Medicaid as their connection to care. It would force our Medicaid program to limit eligibility, cut benefits or pay a far greater share of the cost for the Delawareans who are covered today. This bill also would eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s federal assistance for individuals and families buying coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace, raising premiums for most of the 27,000 Delawareans who get their coverage there. This bill is clearly the wrong direction for Delaware and the wrong direction for our country.’” [Office of Gov. John Carney, press release, 9/21/17]


In a Series of Tweets, Gov. David Ige Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill Would Cut Federal Healthcare Funding, Increase Cost On Those with Preexisting Conditions. According to Gov. David Ige tweets, Gov. Ige said, “Under #GrahamCassidy, Hawaii’s federal healthcare funding would be cut, Medicaid would be at risk and those with pre-existing conditions would be charged a lot of $.  #TrumpCare” [Twitter, @GovHawaii, Tweet 1, Tweet 2, 9/21/17]


Gov. John Bel Edwards Signed a Bipartisan Letter of Ten Governors Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Gov. John Bel Edwards signed a bi-partisan letter from governors urging the U.S. Senate not to consider the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment and renew support for bipartisan efforts to make health care more available and affordable for all Americans. [Letter, 9/19/17]


Gov. Mark Dayton Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill Would Have “Devastating Consequences” for Minnesota Children, Seniors, Nursing Homes, and People with Disabilities. According to a statement from the Office of Gov. Mark Dayton, “‘The latest Republican proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act would have devastating consequences for Minnesota children, seniors, nursing homes, and people with disabilities,’ said Governor Mark Dayton. ‘One out of every three children in Minnesota rely on Medicaid to access basic health care. In fact, 42 percent of Medicaid recipients in Minnesota are kids.’” [Office of Gov. Mark Dayton, 9/25/17]


Gov. Steve Bullock Signed a Bipartisan Letter of Ten Governors Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Gov. Steve Bullock signed a bi-partisan letter from governors urging the U.S. Senate not to consider the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment and renew support for bipartisan efforts to make health care more available and affordable for all Americans. [Letter, 9/19/17]


Gov. Roy Cooper Said, “North Carolina’s Middle-Class Families Will Be Worse Off” if the Graham-Cassidy Bill Passes. According to a statement from the Office of Gov. Roy Cooper, “Governor Roy Cooper released the following statement in response to the health care legislation introduced by Senators Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham: ‘The latest proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act may be even worse than previous proposals: raising premiums, weakening protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and slashing over $1 billion from North Carolina’s Medicaid program. North Carolina’s middle-class families will be worse off if this passes. Senate Republicans in Washington must work with Democrats to reach a bipartisan solution that expands health care coverage and makes it better.’” [Office of Gov. Roy Cooper, 9/19/17]


Gov. Kate Brown Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill Threatens Oregon’s Success. According to a Facebook post by Gov. Kate Brown, “Under #GrahamCassidy, the newest Republican healthcare plan, Oregon would face the biggest budget cuts of any state — over $2,000 per person. Right now, 95% of adults and 100% of children in Oregon have access to healthcare. This bill threatens our successes. It’s time for Congress to stop playing political football with our healthcare.” [Facebook, Gov. Kate Brown, 9/20/17]


Gov. Tom Wolf Signed a Bi-Partisan Letter of Ten Governors Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Bill. Gov. Tom Wolf signed a bi-partisan letter from governors urging the U.S. Senate not to consider the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment and renew support for bipartisan efforts to make health care more available and affordable for all Americans. [Letter, 9/19/17]


Gov. Gina Raimondo Called the Graham-Cassidy Bill “Cruel and Dangerous.” According to a Facebook Post from Gov. Gina Raimondo, “‘The Graham-Cassidy bill would be just as bad for Rhode Islanders as every other failed version of TrumpCare. According to most recent estimates, this plan would cost Rhode Islanders more than $20 billion in federal funding over the next two decades if enacted. Rhode Island is a model for successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act. We were recently ranked third-highest in the nation for percentage of children with health insurance coverage – thanks in large part to the ACA. It’s bad enough to put that progress at risk. But cutting access to health insurance for our poorest and sickest so that the rich can get a tax cut is truly immoral. Graham-Cassidy is another version of TrumpCare – just as cruel and dangerous as its predecessors. I will continue to stand up and fight for Rhode Islanders against this legislation.’” [Facebook, Gov. Gina Raimondo, 9/21/17]


Gov. Terry McAuliffe Said the Graham-Cassidy Bill Would Have “Disastrous Consequences for Virginia’s Families.” According to a press release from the Office of Gov. Terry McAuliffe, “Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement today in response to the health care legislation introduced by Senators Cassidy and Graham: ‘The Senate Republican’s latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act would have the exact same disastrous consequences for Virginia’s families as the previous versions that they tried to ram through earlier this year. This legislation, like the earlier iterations, was not designed to make health care better. It is nothing more than a tax cut for the rich and a poorly disguised cost shift from the federal government to the states and families. Once again, middle-class families, seniors, and women suffer the most as premiums will skyrocket and Medicaid will be slashed. This bill re-introduces policies that gut protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions and no longer requires insurers to provide essential service coverage. And it goes further by slashing funding to states for marketplace tax credits and cost-sharing reductions on the way to zeroing them out completely after 2026. This backdoor effort to force through legislation without waiting for a CBO score or even holding as much as a single hearing is totally unacceptable. Our estimates is that this will be a $1.2 Billion cut to Virginia’s Medicaid program. I urge the Senate Republicans to stop undermining our economy and health care system and instead to work together in a transparent and bipartisan manner to fix the existing issues with the ACA.’” [Office of Gov. Terry McAuliffe, press release, 9/18/17]