Kobach’s Hand: The Endorsement Heard ’Round the World

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New York Times: ‘Kobach’s gift to Kansas Democrats’

In last night’s Kansas gubernatorial debate, Kris Kobach defined himself as Sam Brownback’s man. Kansans noticed, and so did national reporters. This morning, the New York Times’ Matt Flegenheimer and Jonathan Martin wrote about “Kobach’s gift to Kansas Democrats.”
Read the New York Times’ take on Kobach’s hand below:
The Trump Effect, Kobach’s Hand, Tester and DeWine Ads: 6 Days to Go
Kobach’s gift to Kansas Democrats
Democrats nationally may be most animated about President Trump, but in Kansas, the former governor, Sam Brownback, is just as galvanizing a figure for the left and across much of the political center. Mr. Brownback, who earlier this year joined the Trump administration, departed office with poor approval ratings, in part the result of education cuts he made in the state budget.
And on Tuesday night, Democrats got a gift in their laps.

  • In the final debate of the governor’s race, when the candidates were asked if they thought Mr. Brownback was a good governor, the only one who raised a hand was Kris Kobach, the Republican nominee and current secretary of state.
  • Democrats could use the help in Kansas. Despite Mr. Brownback’s unpopularity and Mr. Kobach’s own polarizing history, the governor’s race remains very close: Mr. Kobach and the Democratic nominee, Laura Kelly, are running roughly even in polls. A big factor is the presence of a third-party candidate on the ballot, Greg Orman, who is polling at close to 10 percent. Mr. Orman has refused to get out of the race, but on Tuesday he suffered an embarrassing blow when his campaign treasurer resigned and endorsed Ms. Kelly.

Watch Kobach endorse Brownback HERE: