Kim Reynolds Touts Benefits of the American Rescue Plan After Spending Months Fighting Against it

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After making it “abundantly clear she’s not happy” with the American Rescue Plan, Kim Reynolds is attempting to do a complete 180 and take credit for the benefits of the overwhelmingly popular COVID relief package.

Yesterday, Reynolds hypocritically touted her administration’s efforts to use ARP funding for housing assistance, ignoring the months she spent criticizing the plan and the necessary relief it provides to states and working families.

Reynolds is just one of many GOP governors who are attempting to flip the switch on their opposition to the American Rescue Plan after recognizing its resounding popularity with voters. Recent reporting from Huffington Post highlighted similar hypocrisy from Republicans like Governors DeSantis, Sununu, Hogan, and DeWine, among others.

DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton said, “Kim Reynolds’ shameless hypocrisy on the American Rescue Plan shows she cares more about her own politics than helping Iowans. No matter how much credit she tries to take, the reality is if Reynolds had her way, small businesses and workers would never see the benefits of this extraordinarily popular plan.”