Kelly Schulz Copies Larry Elder’s Playbook on Prolonging the Pandemic

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Kelly Schulz has finally made clear that she intends to imitate her fellow Republicans’ disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent radio interview, Schulz said she opposes popular policies that keep the economy growing, schools open, and families safe, like vaccine mandates and policies ensuring masking in schools.

After months of hiding, it’s no surprise that Silent Schulz has avoided expressing that her position on vaccine mandates and masks is nothing more than a page out of the playbook of failed California recall candidate Larry Elder, who voters rejected for his staunch opposition to widely supported public health measures. A recent Monmouth poll revealed the vast majority of Americans in both red and blue states support vaccine and mask mandates, which spells bad news for Schulz and her opponents as they race to the far-right.

Thus far, Schulz has tried to skate by in Maryland’s MAGA primary by dodging questions, but her recent revelation on vaccines is even a far step to the right from the Hogan administration, which recently moved to require vaccination against COVID-19 for certain workers.

“Silent Kelly Schulz is finally crawling out of the woodwork with her unpopular position on opposing vaccine mandates and masks in schools,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Schulz has avoided answering questions so far because she knows that voters widely support public health measures, and she’s seen how anti-vaccine and mask mandate candidates have fared across the country. Maryland voters will reject these types of out-of-touch policies that just prolong the pandemic.”
