Kelly Ayotte Endorses Trump for President

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Kelly Ayotte Endorses Trump for President

Kelly Ayotte in 2024: “My choice is President Trump.” 

Kelly Ayotte in 2016: “I cannot vote for Donald Trump”

New Hampshire candidate for governor former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte has officially endorsed Trump, flip-flop-flipping on her support for the former president once again. DGA Deputy Communications Director Izzi Levy issued the following statement in response to Kelly Ayotte’s latest reversal:

“Just like how Trump brags about eliminating Roe v. Wade, Kelly Ayotte has a dangerous and extreme track record on attacking abortion rights. In fact, Trump’s anti-abortion legacy would not have been possible without Ayotte’s hard work to help Mitch McConnell rig the Supreme Court as the ‘sherpa’ for then-Supreme Court nominee and anti-choice extremist Neil Gorsuch. In the U.S. Senate, Ayottee also led the charge for a federal abortion ban.

“No matter how many times Ayotte changes her position on Trump, they share a common goal: to eliminate access to abortion in New Hampshire and beyond. She’s too extreme for New Hampshire, and Granite Staters won’t soon forget that Trump and Ayotte have worked hand-in-hand to dismantle reproductive rights and attack freedom.”

