In Louisiana, RGA Stuck With Two C-List Candidates Who Idolize Jindal

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After talking a big game, the biggest loser as qualifying ends for governor in Louisiana this week: The GOP. They failed to put up any big names against Gov. Edwards’ in this race.
Here’s what happened:
First, they tried Rep. Steve Scalise. He passed. Then, Attorney General Jeff Landry passed. Then Sen. John Kennedy passed.
Kennedy said he even polled the race and said only he and Scalise could win. And they both said no.
Then Rep. Ralph Abraham and Eddie Rispone entered the race. And no one was happy about that, especially the RGA. When asked about the Republicans in the primary, the RGA’s Executive Director said, “We’ll see who else gets in.”
Trump wasn’t satisfied either and tried to convince Scalise to enter the race. A LAGOP official said there was “movement” to get another candidate into the race.
So now the field is set for Republicans with their second-tier choices Abraham and Rispone.
Both C-List candidates have stumbled on the trail. Abraham put his personal ambition ahead of doing his job, missing more votes than any other member of Congress, including votes crucial to Louisianans, like extending the National Flood Insurance Program. And Louisianans are wondering,  “Where is Rispone?”, who is almost always absent on the campaign trail.
Now that the qualifying deadline has come and gone it’s clear: the RGA is stuck with Abraham and Rispone.
“The RGA waited to see who entered the race, and now they are stuck with what they’ve got,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “It’s easy to see why. Gov. Edwards’ has a bipartisan record of success and is turning the page from Jindal’s reckless tenure. He invested in public education, stopped devastating cuts to higher education, gave the state’s teachers their first pay raise in a decade, and expanded Medicaid to give more than 450,000 working Louisianans access to health care. Louisianans don’t want what the Republicans are selling—they want to keep moving forward.”