ICYMI: Nashua Telegraph Editorial: Testing Should Increase
“The state’s response to this pandemic has been unacceptable. The governor’s silence is even more so.”
Last Thursday, the Nashua Telegraph published an editorial calling out GOP Gov. Chris Sununu for his slow response to Granite Staters’ concerns about COVID-19, saying that New Hampshire “deserves better from its governor” and “ignoring an emergency doesn’t make it go away.”
Two separate letters were sent to Sununu by doctors and health officials statewide, urging the governor to ramp up testing in the state. When the letters were written, only 101 tests were pending at the New Hampshire state laboratory, and a mobile testing site in Manchester closed because of inadequate supplies. Sununu has yet to respond to the letters, which were sent over a week ago.
Sununu has falsely called COVID-19 “the flu” and repeatedly told Granite Staters they were at “very low risk” in contrast to expert opinion and testimony from public health officials. The Democratic Governors Association released a video today highlighting Sununu’s confused response to this crisis.
Read the editorial below:
Nashua Telegraph: Testing should increase
As of Wednesday night, state health officials reported 788 confirmed cases of COVID-19. However, given the unacceptable lack of testing available to those exhibiting symptoms, we question the true number of COVID-19 cases here in Greater Nashua and beyond.
In two separate letters sent to Gov. Chris Sununu on Sunday and Monday, New Hampshire doctors and health officials statewide urged Sununu to increase testing, treatment and tracking of New Hampshire COVID-19 cases.
We know of so many who have sought testing only to be told there’s no access to supplies. Even the mobile site at the armory in Manchester had to close because of lack of adequate test supply.
The state’s response to this pandemic has been unacceptable. The governor’s silence is even more so.
Gov. Sununu, instead of staying silent on this issue, should be our citizens’ greatest advocate. Ignoring an emergency doesn’t make it go away.
Our state deserves better from its governor, starting first and foremost with Sununu responding in a timely manner to citizens’ and officials’ very real concerns amid this crisis.