ICYMI: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Slams Rebecca Kleefisch for Lack of COVID-19 Plan

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An article published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today slams Rebecca Kleefisch for her utter lack of leadership in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The report criticizes Kleefisch for opposing efforts to mandate vaccines or masks and not releasing a plan to navigate the pandemic, which has killed over 8,000 Wisconsinites and battered the state’s service and health care industries.

As Wisconsin faces a surge of COVID-19 hospitalizations, ‘Radical Rebecca’ still has no real strategy to tackle the pandemic. Her only “plan” would be to follow the state’s public health emergency plan, which Gov. Tony Evers has already done. And her main commitment if elected is to sue over federal vaccine mandates and seek to reverse statewide vaccine mandates.

In an interview just days after becoming infected with COVID-19, Kleefisch suggested that she would “encourage people to do certain healthy behaviors” but thus far “has not engaged in public promotion of vaccinations or wearing face masks,” much less supporting such science-backed public health mandates.

Gov. Evers has been a consistent leader throughout the pandemic, releasing a detailed plan early on and coordinating “one of the most efficient in the nation” vaccine distribution efforts. Gov. Evers has also overseen the distribution of billions in federal pandemic relief funding.

“Rebecca Kleefisch’s lack of a plan to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic is a slap in the face to the thousands of Wisconsinites who have lost loved ones to this virus,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “‘Radical Rebecca’ is in no position to criticize Gov. Tony Evers, who has followed a data-driven, science-backed path throughout the pandemic. The fact that she’s failed to develop a comprehensive plan and consistently ignored public health officials is disqualifying, and Wisconsin residents deserve better.”
