ICYMI: Gov. McKee Announces Best Fundraising Quarter Ever with Over $320,000 Raised

Gov. Dan McKee’s campaign filed its second-quarter fundraising disclosure report today and reported a fundraising total of over $320,000 from 613 donors in 38 of Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns. The boost raises Gov. McKee’s cash-on-hand to more than $716,000.

A spokesperson for the McKee campaign said they filed ahead of the August deadline to “demonstrate his commitment to transparency in this campaign.”

These fundraising results reflect what looks to be strong public approval of Gov. McKee. Eighty three percent of his individual contributions come from people with Rhode Island addresses, and 60% of his contributors are first-time donors to Gov. McKee.

“I’m extremely grateful to those who share my vision to move Rhode Island forward and who have so generously donated to my campaign,” said Gov. McKee. “With that said, I am focused on governing, as the time for politics will come later.”


See below for more on Gov. McKee’s fundraising success.

The Providence Journal: Gov. Dan McKee raised $320k for his campaign. Here’s where it came from

On the road to his best fundraising quarter ever — and a $320,887 haul — Gov. Dan McKee was feted at fundraisers hosted by some of the biggest names in Rhode Island’s lobbying world.

Reinstating a level of disclosure once de rigueur for Rhode Island candidates, McKee’s campaign team named a list of fundraising hosts that included the House speaker, current and former Senate presidents and top-name lobbyists.


Overall, McKee — who rose from lieutenant governor to governor on March 2 — raised a total of $320,886.89 during the quarter that ran from April 1 through June 30, according to a summary report his reelection campaign provided on Tuesday.

After raising $320,887 on top of what he already had salted away — and spending $50,159 — he ended the quarter with about $716,595 cash-on-hand more than a year out from the November 2022 election, according to a summary report.

The latest quarterly reports are not due into the R.I. Board of Elections until August 2.


McKee decided to release his top-line numbers ahead of the deadline, and his full report on Wednesday.

Why? “We believe an early filing is another way Governor McKee can demonstrate his commitment to transparency in this campaign. We see no need to file at the 11th hour and 59th minute if we have the data assembled,” his spokesman Mike Trainor said.

Trainor also said the “fundraising results reflect what we believe is strong public approval of how the Governor is handling his responsibilities. They also signal our ability to raise enough money to run a very strong campaign in the expected primary.”


The McKee campaign summary shows: 83% of his individual contributions come from people with R.I. addresses and PACs included, 78.56%. And now that he is governor, 59.48% of his contributors are first-time donors to him.
