Governors Who Work For You

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I just finished a busy weekend with governors from around the country, and the difference in priorities between Democratic governors and their Republican counterparts couldn’t be clearer.
While Democratic governors are focused on creating jobs and expanding opportunity for their states, Republican governors have been busy pursuing overreaching anti-union and anti-women agendas. I have one question for my Republican colleagues: “What does outlawing unions and attacking women have to do with creating jobs?”
No thanks to the do-nothing Republican Congress, we have now had 23 consecutive months of private sector job growth, and we’re now creating manufacturing jobs for the first time since the 1990s. Democratic governors met with the President on Friday to discuss ways we can continue to in-source 21st Century manufacturing jobs in our states, among other topics. The President has laid out a clear blueprint for speeding the jobs recovery, and it’s time Republicans stopped sitting on the sidelines and started working with the President to get our economy back on track.
Jobs. Opportunity. Now.

Gov. Martin O’Malley