GOP Govs in Tampa, Day 1: Demonstrating Exactly why Romney-Ryan Doesn't Work

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There will be plenty of shilling for the disastrous Romney-Ryan plan on full display in Tampa today, as Republican governors take the stage and try to repackage the same failed policies that crashed the economy and devastated the middle class.
While Republican governors will be offering up plenty of rhetoric – and attempting to take credit for economic gains the country has made under President Obama’s leadership – the results in their states clearly demonstrate just why the Romney-Ryan agenda would be disastrous on the national level: pursuing policies that shipped jobs overseas and failed to create them here at home, cutting funding for education, healthcare, and vital services while raising taxes on middle class families to pay for tax cuts for millionaires, and focusing on extreme policies that roll back women’s rights, workers’ rights, and voters’ rights – but do nothing to move our economy forward.
In fact, the slate of GOP governors addressing the delegates in Tampa today showcases a broad range of just how damaging the failed policies of the Romney-Ryan agenda have been in the states – and why the same pursuit at the national level would be devastating to our continued recovery. Here’s a look at how Ohio Governor John Kasich, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley show exactly why Romney-Ryan doesn’t work for the middle class:
Ohio Governor John Kasich:
As governor, Kasich has claimed credit for Ohio’s economic recovery – which began before he took office – while slowing the recovery and failing to deliver on promises his “JobsOhio” initiative made after taking taxpayer funding. 

      Recovery Began Before Kasich

Ohio Unemployment Fell for Eight Consecutive Months Before Kasich Took Office
The Plain Dealer reported on January 3, 2011 that, “Ohio and Illinois are the only two states that have shown a drop in unemployment — typically by one-tenth of a percentage point, but a drop nonetheless — for every month from April through November [2010]” [Plain Dealer, 9/25/11]
Ohio Registered Job Growth “Well Before Kasich Was Elected”
The Plain Dealer reported on September 25, 2011 that, “Ohio has registered job growth since early last year [2010], well before Kasich was elected.” [Plain Dealer, 9/25/11]
Still, Kasich Took Credit For Jobs Growth
The Plain Dealer reported on September 25, 2011 that, “Gov. John Kasich recently appeared on Fox News — his old stomping grounds — to tout Ohio’s improved credit and economic outlook…among his comments: ‘Since the beginning of the year we’ve created a net increase of 45,000 jobs. Our unemployment has ticked up because we’re not creating as many jobs as we need, but the fact is we are net up in job creation.’” [Plain Dealer, 9/25/11]
Politifact Ohio: “Kasich’s Claim Mostly False” 
The Plain Dealer reported on June 25, 2012 that, “But the portion of the statement where the governor says “we’ve created” the jobs ignores some critical facts that would give a different impression…on the Truth-O-Meter, we rate Kasich’s claim Mostly False.” [Plain Dealer, 6/25/12]

      Kasich Slowed Recovery

Kasich Broke 22 Month Streak of Unemployment Decreases
The Plain Dealer reported on July 22, 2011 that, “The Ohio unemployment rate rose in June for the first time in 22 months, and for the first time under Gov. John Kasich, who has made job development the focus of his administration.” [Plain Dealer, 7/22/11]
Under Kasich, Pace of Recovery Slowed
During the course of 2010, Ohio’s unemployment rate dropped from -1.4%.  In 2011, it dropped -1.1%. [U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Ohio seasonally adjusted LAUS data]
Kasich’s Budget Broke 14 Month Streak of Accelerated Recovery
In 2010, the number of unemployed Ohioans dropped by over 85,000. In 2011, after the Kasich “Jobs Budget” was enacted, that number shrank to 68,000. [Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Ohio seasonally adjusted LAUS data]
Kasich Drops Ohio From 6th to 28th in Economic Growth
The Ohio economy grew only 40% of the rate of Kasich. Under Strickland, Ohio’s economy was the sixth fastest growing economy in the nation.  Under Kasich last year, Ohio’s growth ranked 28th in the nation. [Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2010 report); U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis (2011 report on States)]

      Failed To Deliver Jobs and Gave Millions in Taxpayer-Funded Incentives to Companies that Sent Jobs Overseas

Two Dozen Kasich Jobs Projects Behind Schedule, Failed To Deliver Jobs Promised
USA TODAY reported on April 25, 2011 that, “A USA TODAY review of two dozen of Ohio’s state-funded projects found many behind schedule or failing to deliver the jobs or investment returns promised.” [USA TODAY, 4/25/11]
40% Of Firms Fail To Deliver After Taking Taxpayer Money
The Journal-News (Hamilton, Ohio) reported on January 6, 2012 that, “Forty percent of companies that accepted state tax incentives to bring new jobs to region including Butler and Warren Counties or keep existing ones failed to follow through on their end of the deal, according to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.” [Journal-News, 1/6/12]
Kasich Gave $70 Million, Promised Plant “Still An Artist’s Rendering”
USA TODAY reported on April 25, 2011 that, “a proposed multibillion-dollar plant that would make synthetic natural gas in Lima (population 38,771) is still an artist’s rendering in search of financing. It has received $70 million in federal, state and local aid and has been in the works for a decade.” [USATODAY, 4/25/11]
Despite Nearly $100 million in state aid from Kasich, American Greetings slashed 30 jobs
American Greetings received $93.5 million over 15 years in grants, loans, and tax rebates from the state. Notwithstanding state aid, Kasich was unable to stop layoff of 30 employees. [The Plain Dealer, 3/7/11; Ohio News Network, 2/1/12]
Kasich Gave Millions To Company That Outsourced 200 Ohio Jobs
The Akron Beacon Journal reported on April 12, 2012 that “Diebold Inc. said Thursday it expects to move about 200 information technology and other “back office” jobs to India over the next two years…the job losses will not impact public incentive packages related to Diebold’s plans to move into a new $100 million headquarters in Green.” [Akron Beacon Journal, 4/12/12]
Diebold Received At Least $56 Million In State Assistance From Kasich
The Plain Dealer reported on April 12, 2011 that, “TM manufacturer Diebold Inc. will receive at least $56 million in state assistance to keep its headquarters in Northeast Ohio” [Plain Dealer, 4/12/11]
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin:
As governor, Fallin pursued a budget that even Oklahoma Republicans called a “disappointment.” Fallin has slashed education funding and raised taxes on middle class families to pay for tax cuts for millionaires – and supports the Romney-Ryan budget as the right step to “get the country back on track.”
State Treasurer: Fallin Budget “One Of the Bigger Disappointments This Year”
The Daily Oklahoman reported on May 19, 2011 that, “State Treasurer Ken Miller, who worked on state budget proposals the past several years, said Wednesday the proposed $6.5 billion worked out by Republican Gov. Mary Fallin and GOP legislative leaders is “one of the bigger disappointments this year.” Miller, a Republican who served the past three years as chairman of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee, said in the rush to get a deal the “way-we-have-always-done-it” approach seemed to have taken over. “This agreement is particularly disappointing because it is the first time in Oklahoma history that a budget has been crafted with complete Republican control and yet it falls short,” Miler wrote in his monthly newsletter. “This was our first real opportunity to right-size government, implement priority-based budgeting and to prove commitment to public education.” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/19/11]
OU HAs Seen About $100 Million In Cuts and Unfunded Cost Increases Under Gov. Fallin
The Daily Oklahoman reported on May 18, 2012 that, “As OU has seen about $100 million in cuts and unfunded cost increases over the past three years, the university’s individual colleges have had to absorb roughly 18 percent budget cuts.” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/18/12]
Under Fallin, Higher Education Slashed By 9.4%; Increased Tuition 8.8%
The Daily Oklahoman reported on May 18, 2012 that, “The Oklahoma higher education system has seen its budget slashed 9.4 percent over the past four years. In that period, OU has raised its undergraduate in-state tuition 8.8 percent. Oklahoma State University has raised its tuition 9.2 percent in the same period.” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/18/12]
   Raising Taxes on the Middle Class to Pay for Tax Cuts for Top Earners
Fallin Cut Tax Top Rate
The Daily Oklahoman reported on May 18, 2012 that, “an agreement to cut the state’s top personal income tax rate of 5.25 percent down to 4.8 percent next year was announced Thursday evening by GOP legislative leaders and Gov. Mary Fallin.” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/18/12]
Fallin Eliminated Tax Deductions For The Middle Class To Pay For The Cut
The Daily Oklahoman reported on May 18, 2012 that, “Lost revenue is partially offset by eliminating 33 tax credits, certain deductions and eliminating the personal exemption for single filers making more than $35,000 and joint filers making more than $70,000” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/18/12]
   Paul Ryan Budget
Ryan Budget Is The Right Policy “To Get This Country Back On Track”
A statement released by Governor Mary Fallin on August 11, 2012 said that, “Having worked with Paul Ryan in Congress, I know he is a smart, committed advocate for the kind of small government, pro-growth policies that are going to create more jobs and get this country back on track.” [The Daily Oklahoman, 5/18/12]
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell:
RNC Convention Platform Chair McDonnell has pursued an extreme agenda in Virginia, championing medically unnecessary, mandatory ultrasounds for women seeking to end a pregnancy – showcasing the GOP’s totally out-of-touch priorities. And McDonnell has claimed that the “right track” for Virginia is cutting education and healthcare – pursuing billions in cuts resulting in lost jobs and cuts to public safety, while endorsing the “sacrifice” that the Romney-Ryan budget would force middle class Americans to make.

      Budget Cuts

McDonnell: “Right Track” For Virginia Is Cutting Education And Healthcare
During an interview on CNN on October 20, 2011 Governor McDonnell said that, “we’ve cut billions of dollars out of budget in education and healthcare. We’ve made tough choices…I think we’re on the right track.” [CNN, 10/20/11]
McDonnell Budget Killed 37,000 Jobs, Loss Of $2 Billion In Economic Activity
The Richmond Times Dispatch reported on March 25, 2010 that, “State budget cuts in education and health care will result in a loss of 37,000 jobs and reduced economic activity of $2 billion over the next two years, a liberal think tank [the Commonwealth Institute] estimated yesterday.” [RichmondTimes Dispatch, 4/1/11]
Cut $1.7 Billion In Education Funding
[Virginia Department of Budget and Planning, Ch 847, 2009 Acts of Assembly & 2010-2012 Ch 890, 2011 Acts of Assembly]
Cut Public Safety Funding By 15%
[Virginia Department of Budget and Planning (Ch874 and Ch890), US Census, and Bureau of Labor Statistics]
Pursued Extreme Agenda on Women’s Health
McDonnell Signed Bill Requiring Women To Undergo Ultrasound Prior To Abortion
CBS News reported on March 7, 2012 that, “Amid continued protests from Democrats, Republican Governor Bob McDonnell on Wednesday signed into law a controversial bill requiring Virginia women to undergo an ultrasound procedure prior to having an abortion.” [CBS News, 3/7/12]
McDonnell First Supported Requirement For Transvaginal Ultrasounds, Then Backtracked
The Washington Post reported on February 23, 2012 that, “over the course of nine days, it became clear that the legislation’s sponsors didn’t realize one key fact — that for an ultrasound to determine the age of a fetus, as mandated by the bill, it would usually require a vaginal probe…that detail helped the issue catch fire on cable TV and inspired protests on Richmond’s stately Capitol grounds. By Wednesday, Gov. Robert F. McDonnell had withdrawn his support for the original legislation and left in question the fate of a substitute.” [Washington Post, 3/7/12]
   Supported Ryan Budget
McDonnell: Paul Ryan Budget Provides “Real Solutions”
During an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press on August 19, 2012, Gov. Bob McDonnell said: “It takes big ideas, and– and things that are going to take some sacrifice for a lot of people in order to get our country back on track.  Paul Ryan has been honest about what it’s going to take….I think Paul Ryan’s a serious candidate with real solutions.” [Meet the Press, 8/19/12]
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker:
Walker’s enthusiastic embrace of the Romney-Ryan plan doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to have it both ways – while claiming the agenda wouldn’t touch Medicare for seniors, Walker has tried to claim that the Ryan plan isn’t quite the Romney plan – even though Romney himself has whole-heartedly endorsed Ryan’s budget.
   Walker On Ryan Budget


Walker: Paul Ryan Budget Is “Game Changing And It’s Unique”
On NBC’s Meet the Press on August 14, 2012, the following exchange occurred:
DAVID GREGORY: Was this a game changing choice?  A concession by Romney that he needed to change his approach in the campaign by choosing Ryan?
SCOTT WALKER:I absolutely think it is game changing and it’s unique.  Paul Ryan offers something I think distinctively unique. [NBC News, 8/14/12]
Walker Said Ryan’s Plan Wouldn’t Touch Seniors,
On NBC’s Meet the Press on August 14, 2012, the following exchange occurred:
DAVID GREGORY: [Are you] going to go voters and say, as Paul Ryan has, and as,  presumably, Romney-Ryan will, and say, “We have to change Medicare fundamentally.”
SCOTT WALKER: “…the truth is seniors and people near retirement are not going to be touched under his plan.  And the bigger truth is in the end it’s going to be Governor and then President Romney’s plan that ultimately will prevail…” [NBC News, 8/14/12]
BUT Walker Also Tried To Distance Himself, Said “Romney’s Plan” Will Ultimately Prevail 
On NBC’s Meet the Press on August 14, 2012, the following exchange occurred:
DAVID GREGORY: [Are you] going to go voters and say, as Paul Ryan has, and as, presumably, Romney-Ryan will, and say, “We have to change Medicare fundamentally.”
SCOTT WALKER: “…the truth is seniors and people near retirement are not going to be touched under his plan.  And the bigger truth is in the end it’s going to be Governor and then President Romney’s plan that ultimately will prevail…” [NBC News, 8/14/12]
The Romney Plan IS The Ryan Plan
ABC News reported on August 13, 2012 that, “Mitt Romney may have his own budget plan, but as far as Medicare is concerned, he and Paul Ryan are almost of one mind…Paul Ryan’s 2013 budget plan, passed by the House in March, includes a lot of things, and Mitt Romney has endorsed it in the past, telling Wisconsin supporters in a tele-town-hall meeting four days after the House passed it. [ABC News, 8/13/12]
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval:
Governor Sandoval’s budget has made devastating cuts to early childhood education, medical services, and children’s healthcare in Nevada, failing to make critical investments in the state with the country’s highest unemployment.  
   Sandoval’s Budget Cuts
Proposed “Doomsday” Cuts To Higher Education, Would Have Forced Campus Closings
The Las Vegas Business Press reported on June 13, 2011 that, “the governor’s original budget included such drastic cuts that it had college presidents offering up doomsday scenarios, where entire campuses would be closed and tenured professors laid off. [Las Vegas Business Press, 6/13/11]


Sandoval Cut Funding For State Universities By 15%
The Las Vegas Review Journal reported on June 2, 2011 that, “Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Dan Klaich said funding for the state’s colleges and universities would be 15 percent less than two years ago, some of which will be made up with a 13 percent increase in tuition.” [Las VegasReview Journal, 6/2/11]
Forced 13% Hike On Tuition
The Las Vegas Review Journal reported on June 2, 2011 that, “Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Dan Klaich said funding for the state’s colleges and universities would be 15 percent less than two years ago, some of which will be made up with a 13 percent increase in tuition.” [Las VegasReview Journal, 6/2/11]
Cut Primary Education, Left Washoe County With $40 Million Shortfall
[AB579, 6/6/12]
Cut Teachers Salaries By 2.5%
The Las Vegas Business Press reported on June 13, 2011 that, “under the deal, teachers, college faculty and university workers, along with other state employees, must take a 2.5 percent pay cut. State employees and college faculty have to take one furlough day a year, amounting to a 3 percent cut per year.” [Las Vegas Business Press, 6/13/11]


Sandoval’s Budget Cut Therapy For Children With Down Syndrome, Disabilities
The Las Vegas Sun reported on March 18, 2012 that, “A 1-year-old with Down syndrome had his every-other-week physical therapy cut in half after the state told his parents there wasn’t money for more frequent sessions. The state would not pay for a 2-year-old with speech and cognitive disabilities to see therapists more than twice a month. Again officials cited the battered state budget. A 2-year-old with Down syndrome had her sign language lessons and occupational and physical therapy appointments reduced by half. And instead of being seen at home, her parents take her to a clinic. These cases and others, detailed in a complaint against the state, triggered an internal state investigation last month. Together they reveal a troubling fact about the impact of Nevada’s austere budget: Services to the state’s youngest children are being curtailed and sometimes not provided at all because of a lack of funds.” [Las Vegas Sun, 3/18/12]
Sandoval Cut Medical Services, Education For Nevada’s Youngest Children
The Las Vegas Sun reported on March 18, 2012 that, “Gov. Brian Sandoval and lawmakers in both parties have talked about the importance of early childhood education. But the reality is that the Nevada Early Intervention Services’ budget was cut by $1 million last year, to $25.7 million.” [Las Vegas Sun, 3/18/12]
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley
Governor Haley has endorsed the Romney-Ryan plan as a “dream team of solutions”: while demonizing workers and pursuing the same reckless cuts Romney-Ryan would make to education and health services. Haley has cut taxes for the wealthiest while failing to create jobs for the middle class: South Carolina’s unemployment rate has climbed to 9.6% under her failed record.
9.6% Unemployment, Up For Third Month In A Row
The State reported on August 17, 2012 that, “South Carolina’s jobless rate inched upward in July for the third month in a row, rising to 9.6 percent from 9.4 percent in June, state officials reported Friday.” [The State, 8/17/12]
5th Highest Unemployment Rate In The Country
The State reported on August 17, 2012 that, “South Carolina’s jobless rate inched upward in July for the third month in a row, rising to 9.6 percent from 9.4 percent in June, state officials reported Friday.” [The State, 8/17/12]
SC Unemployment Significantly Higher Than National Average
[Bureau of Labor & Statistics, 8/17/12]

      Relief For Unemployed

Haley Restricted Eligibility For Unemployment Benefits
WISTV (Columbia, SC) reported on August 9, 2012 that, “Gov. Nikki Haley signed a bill in Greenville that says if you’re fired for misconduct and your former boss can prove it, you will not get an unemployment check for 5 months.” [WISTV, 7/21/12]
   Ryan Budget
Haley: Romney-Ryan A “Dream Team Of Solutions”
The State reported on August 12, 2012 that, “Ryan’s selection pleased S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, who endorsed Romney early in the GOP primary process and will address the Republican National Convention later this month. ‘We now officially have a Dream Team of solutions: Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan!’ Haley wrote on her Facebook page.” [The State, 8/12/12]
   Tax Cuts For the Wealthiest in SC
Haley Proposed Cutting Taxes For Top Tax Bracket
WJBF (Columbia, SC) reported on January 13, 2012 that, “Her plan would spend $140 million to begin a four-year phase-out of the state’s corporate income tax and give most taxpayers an $84 reduction in their state income taxes, reducing the top tax bracket from 7 percent to 3.5 percent.” [WJBF, 1/13/12]
Haley Proposed Eliminating Corporate Income Tax
The Charleston City Paper reported on March 14, 2012 that, “Speaking in the parking lot outside Banks Construction Company in North Charleston, Haley laid out the plan’s four main points:
1. Phasing out the corporate income tax over a four-year period beginning on Jan. 1, 2013, with a reduction of the rate from 5 percent to 3.75 percent.” [Charleston City Paper, 3/14/12]
   Labor Unions
Haley: “I Love That We Are One Of The Least Unionized States In The Country”
[“State of the State Address”, 1/19/12]
Haley: Unions “Are Not Needed, Not Wanted, And Not Welcome In The State Of South Carolina”
[“State of the State Address”, 1/19/12]
Prevented Workers On Strike From Receiving Unemployment Benefits
WLTX (Columbia) reported on January 24, 2012 that, “Tuesday she announced an executive order to prevent on strike workers from collecting unemployment benefits.” [WLTX, 8/12/12]
   Budget Cuts
Haley Cut Teachers’ Salaries, Arts Funding, Rape Crisis Centers
The New York Times reported on July 18, 2012 that, “Gov. Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina has marched through the new state budget, cutting spending on teachers’ salaries, the arts, rape crisis centers and even a program to control head lice.” [New York Times, 7/18/12]
Cut Funding For Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Centers
The New York Times reported on July 18, 2012 that, “She [Gov. Haley] cut more than $400,000 used to help pay for the state’s network of 23 domestic violence and rape crisis centers.” [New York Times, 7/18/12]
Haley Called Funds For South Carolinians With Kidney Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia A “Distraction” From Public Health
The New York Times reported on July 18, 2012 that, “In her veto message, she [Gov. Haley] angered supporters by calling that portion of the budget — which also included money for people with sickle cell anemia, kidney disease and hemophilia — a distraction from the state’s larger mission of providing public health care.” [New York Times, 7/18/12]
Haley Referred To Rape Crisis Centers As “Special Interests”
The New York Times reported on July 18, 2012 that, “She [Gov. Haley] made matters worse when, in a Facebook post, she referred to rape crisis centers as a special interest.
‘This is not about the merit of their fights but the back door way of getting the money,’ she said in the post. ‘It’s wrong and another loophole for legislators and special interests to use.’” [New York Times, 7/18/12]
GOP Legislature Wouldn’t Go Along With Haley’s Radical Cuts
The New York Times reported on July 18, 2012 that, “there were some vetoes the House and the Senate, which are both led by Republicans, disagreed on…on issues that captured the ire of many constituents, like teacher pay, the Arts Commission and the rape crisis centers, the lawmakers pushed back.” [New York Times, 7/18/12]
Haley Cut Medicaid By 3%
The Associated Press reported on April 6, 2011 that, “the state will pay 3 percent less for Medicaid patient care under legislation Gov. Nikki Haley signed into law Wednesday.” [Associated Press, 4/6/11]
SC To Lose 6,000 Jobs Because Of Cuts
The State reported on April 1, 2011 that, “In a state with both a budget crunch and 10-plus percent unemployment, the impact of reduced Medicaid spending on local job markets and economies is important. A study by the University of South Carolina said the Medicaid cuts might lead to the loss of nearly 6,000 jobs statewide.” [The State, 4/1/11]
Rural Hospitals Forced To Layoff Workers
The State reported on April 1, 2011 that, “officials of some small, rural hospitals say they may lay off workers and cut services next month when the state’s Medicaid agency cuts payments to health care providers who treat South Carolina’s poor and disabled.” [The State, 4/1/11]