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FACT CHECK: What Kelly Ayotte Isn’t Telling You About Her Record on Abortion  

FACT CHECK: What Kelly Ayotte Isn’t Telling You About Her Record on Abortion 

Republican candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte released a new TV ad that papers over her long and well-documented record of voting to strip Granite Staters of their reproductive rights throughout her career.

Here’s what Kelly Ayotte won’t tell you: 

  • Ayotte voted for a national abortion ban in the U.S. Senate.
  • Ayotte called for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying the decision was “wrongly decided.”
  • Ayotte voted four times to defund Planned Parenthood – the biggest provider of low-income reproductive health care in the state of New Hampshire – and pledged to do the same as governor.
  • Ayotte voted for the Blunt amendment and cosponsored the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, both of which would have allowed insurance companies and employers to deny employees coverage of birth control, fertility treatments like IVF, mental health care, and more.
  • After leaving the U.S. Senate, Ayotte went on to serve the Trump administration as the “sherpa” for then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch, who would be the first justice to sign on to the majority opinion in Dobbs, directly helping to “shepherd” in the extreme anti-choice majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. 

“The only person in this race ‘politicizing’ the issue of reproductive freedom is Kelly Ayotte – who is proving yet again that she will do and say anything to try to trick Granite Staters into voting for her, including lying about her record of attacking their rights,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “Ayotte is desperate for New Hampshire voters to forget about her track record because she knows her support for a national abortion ban and overturning Roe are so extreme and unpopular. But Granite Staters haven’t forgotten, and know they can’t trust Kelly Ayotte to be their next governor.”

