EDITORIAL ROUNDUP: 6 IN Ed Boards Blast Pence’s LGBT Inaction

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EDITORIAL ROUNDUP: 6 IN Ed Boards Blast Pence’s LGBT Inaction

Newspapers Blast Gov’s Failed Leadership During State of State Speech

The reviews are in. 

One week after Governor Mike Pence delivered his 2016 State of the State address, six editorial boards across Indiana have blasted Pence’s failure to lead on LGBT rights. 

After last year’s RFRA nightmare, the Indiana business community made it clear to Pence that discrimination is bad for business. Yet, after taking nearly 200 days to “study” his position on issue, Pence refused to support extending civil rights protections to the LGBT community and the stage for RFRA 2.0.

 Check out what the editorials are saying:

 Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette“For months, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday, he has been studying the question of whether to extend civil rights protections to gays and transgendered people….But as he concluded his State of the State address with remarks about the issue, it became apparent that the governor hasn’t really learned very much.”

 Indianapolis Business Journal: “Indiana is a divided state and Gov. Mike Pence, in his fourth State of the State address, did little to unite it. …Asking him to provide leadership on what’s become Indiana’s most divisive issue—an issue he helped create—didn’t seem like too much to ask. It appears it was.”

 The Elkhart Truth: “Pence has once again firmly chosen the evangelical interests of some within the Republican Party over corporate business interests. … Indiana residents are at a crossroads on many issues and the person best suited to provide a road map on Tuesday took the off ramp.”

 The Anderson Herald Bulletin: “Gov. Mike Pence’s vision for Indiana this year seems to be one of long-held ideals but without lasting foresight, based on his State of the State speech Tuesday night. …

He won’t sign any bill that “diminishes the religious freedom” of those who choose not to sell services to gays. …Pence doesn’t realize how unfair that approach is nor does he realize that gay rights and religious freedom can co-exist.”

 Kokomo Tribune: “Several bills broadening Indiana’s civil rights law could receive hearings during this legislative session, which only began last week…Those changes must be made and signed into law — this year, governor.”

 Bloomington Herald-Times: “Unfortunately, he doesn’t want all Hoosiers treated equally…The governor is simply supporting what he says he isn’t supporting — giving Hoosiers the right to discriminate against entire groups of people.”
