DGA Statement on Pence Signing Abortion Bill

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DGA Statement on Pence Signing Abortion Bill 

Indiana becomes 2nd state to ban abortion for genetic fetal abnormalities

Pence signs bill over objections of pro-life Republican legislators

Today, the Democratic Governors Association released the following statement after Gov. Mike Pence signed a bill making Indiana the second state to ban abortions in the case of genetic fetal abnormalities.

“Mike Pence has shown yet again that his priorities are out of step with Indiana,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “While Indiana falls behind on job creation, Governor Pence has led the way on a reckless social agenda that has harmed Indiana’s economy. Hoosier voters are tired of Mike Pence’s misplaced priorities, and they’re ready for a change in November.”  

Pence signed the bill over the objections of numerous Republican pro-life lawmakers who argued the bill was too extreme.

“I feel this is government overreaching,” said Republican Rep. Cindy Kirchhofer when voting against the measure.

“The bill does nothing to save innocent lives. There’s no education, there’s no funding. It’s just penalties,” said Republican Rep. Sharon Negele.

Pence also bucked the calls of editorial boards that asked him set aside his own ideology and veto the bill:

“We would urge Gov. Mike Pence to veto this hastily passed, constitutionally dubious and morally muddled bill on behalf of the people he represents – all Hoosiers, not just those who share his personal beliefs,” wrote the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette editorial board.

The “controversial and potentially unconstitutional” abortion bill now makes Indiana only the second state in the nation to approve such far-reaching abortion restrictions.
