DGA Statement on Lou Barletta’s Entrance to Pennsylvania Governor’s Race

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Today, former U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor of Pennsylvania.

As the “Trumpification” of the “super MAGA Trump” Pennsylvania GOP continues, Barletta is joining this crowded primary that will be all about loyalty to Trump – and he’s consistently proven he cares more about Trump than Pennsylvania families

Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement:

“Lou Barletta’s long record of siding with Trump and his dangerous agenda guarantees that this GOP primary will be a nasty battle to the far-right with unpopular, pro-Trump litmus tests. Barletta helped push Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election that led to the deadly insurrection on January 6th, while opposing common sense COVID-19 safety measures over the past year. And as a Congressman, he was also known for failing to show up to work and fiercely opposing the Affordable Care Act. Pennsylvanians already rejected Lou Barletta once, and if he’s the Republican nominee for governor, they’ll do it again in 2022.”