DGA-Backed Group Launches New Digital Ad Campaign In Montana

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Good Jobs MT, an independent organization backed by the Democratic Governors Association, released a new digital ad campaign in Montana, “Out For Himself.”

New Jersey multimillionaire Greg Gianforte spent his career working to block public land access. As Montana’s sole congressman, Gianforte introduced a pair of bills to strip protections from nearly 700,000 acres of public lands. Gianforte sued Montanans to block access to a popular fishing spot near his mansion, and his foundation gave thousands to groups that wanted to sell off public land.

Gianforte also gave the health care industry billions in tax breaks while accepting thousands in campaign contributions from them. He praised a bill that would strip protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and he supports the lawsuit to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which could throw 125,000 Montanans off their health care.

Gianforte also pushed for a sales tax in Montana because he thinks “the fairest tax is the one you pay and I don’t.”

The ad campaign makes it clear – Greg Gianforte is never for Montanans and always out for himself.

View the new ad campaign here.