Democratic Governors: Trump Budget ‘A Betrayal,’ ‘Utterly Bogus’
Democratic Govs Highlight Disastrous Potential Impacts on Their States
Today, Democratic governors highlighted how harmful President Trump’s new budget proposal would be for people in their states. The plan, which makes deep and unprecedented cuts to Medicaid, public education, and countless other programs, would bankrupt state budgets and jeopardize vital services for millions of Americans.
Below are excerpts from several Democratic governors’ statements:
Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy, DGA Chair
“While we continue to analyze its impact on the state, it is abundantly clear that President Trump’s budget is abysmal for working Americans. In an effort to provide his wealthy friends tax breaks and fund his own unpopular projects, the President is devastating critical environmental programs, undercutting important educational initiatives, and decimating human services programs to the detriment of the sick, elderly, and poor.”
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, DGA Vice Chair
“Trump divests from critical investments in education, health care, environmental protections, research and development, workforce development and other programs that protect public health and sustain a prosperous American economy. And it reneges on the president’s promises not to cut Medicaid or Social Security. This budget is a betrayal of American values.”
“The budget plan President Trump unveiled today is not a vision for future economic growth, it is a scheme to cut taxes for billionaires by gutting programs that create economic opportunity for American families. This budget makes savage cuts to Medicaid, student loan programs, disability assistance and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), while at the same time making fantasyland assumptions about economic growth that have already been debunked by experts.”
“This budget proposal is based on utterly bogus economic assumptions. It gives a massive tax break to the wealthiest, while imposing painful and debilitating burdens on tens of millions of decent and hard-working people. It’s unconscionable and un-American.”
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper
“After the Trump Administration funded just $6 million of our $930 million request for additional federal funds to recover from Hurricane Matthew, I’m particularly dismayed to learn that the proposed budget begins to eliminate federal flood insurance and limits disaster relief funding. This budget amounts to a second punch in the gut from this administration when it comes to helping our communities prepare for and respond to natural disasters, and I urge Congress to take a more reasonable approach.”
“Medicaid is a lifeline for seniors across Pennsylvania that helps pay the costs of nursing home care. The Trump budget proposes deep and devastating funding cuts over the next ten years, which would force many seniors out of nursing homes. We cannot turn our backs on seniors and force them to bear the greatest pain of these cuts.”