Democratic Governors Association Launches Website for Rauner’s Broken Record Tour

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Website Launch Coincides with Day of Stops in Springfield and Carbondale

Today, the DGA launches the Rauner’s Broken Record website to accompany the group’s statewide tour. The tour makes stops today in Springfield and Carbondale and will feature Illinois voters speaking about how Rauner’s failed leadership has negatively impacted their communities. 

Rauner promised his business experience would right Illinois’ fiscal stewardship and grow jobs, but the opposite has happened. Under Rauner, jobs were lost, debt climbed, and social services were devastated. Rauner wants voters to give him a second-term, but his Broken Record shows he failed to earn it. 

View the site here.

“Bruce Rauner can try and blame others all he wants, but his failures are unavoidable,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Despite his broken record, Rauner thinks he should get a second term. Illinois voters will not forget the damage Rauner did to the state, and know that a second Rauner term only means more debt, more job loss, and fewer services.”