Cook Political Report Moves Oklahoma to Tossup
Cook’s Jennifer Duffy: Oklahoma is ‘Quickly Becoming a Jump Ball,” GOP Strategists ‘Concerned’ About Stitt
Today, Cook Political Report moved Oklahoma towards Democrats, rating it as a “Tossup.” Cook’s Jennifer Duffy reports that Republican strategists are “concerned that Stitt hasn’t been able to close the deal.”
Duffy also wrote that for Democrats, “former Attorney General Drew Edmondson, is the strongest candidate they could have hoped for.”
Stitt’s close ties to the Mary Fallin agenda, and shady business practices have turned off Oklahomans. Stitt has called Fallin “great” and refused to identify a single way he would be different than Fallin. Appropriately, Fallin gave her stamp of approval for Stitt, endorsing him earlier this month.
Read more from Cook Political Report on Oklahoma below:
Governors: 11 Days Out; OK to Toss up, NH to Lean Rep
Oklahoma now joins the ranks of Toss Up races. Republicans have long argued that the solidly red nature of the state would propel their nominee, mortgage company CEO Kevin Stitt, into the Governor’s office, but some GOP strategists are growing concerned that Stitt hasn’t been able to close the deal. Democrats have always believed that the state is ready for change after eight years with GOP Gov. Mary Fallin at the helm; Fallin may well be the most unpopular Governor in the country today. And, that their nominee, former Attorney General Drew Edmondson, is the strongest candidate they could have hoped for.
While Stitt is an outsider, Democrats have worked to tie him to Fallin, saying that if elected, Stitt will amount to a third term for Fallin. Republicans have started to portray Edmondson as too liberal for the state. This is quickly becoming a jump ball.