Billionaire Bruce: Businessman Who Skirts The Rules & Doesn't Pay Basic Fees

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Did you know billionaire Bruce Rauner is a genius at business? Just ask him.
But not so fast. After months of hearing from Billionaire Bruce himself – that he’s a smart businessman who raked in hundreds of millions from shady deals while exploiting the misery of others – he forgot an essential business practice: pay your fees.
The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that he failed to pay a fee to keep his pet investment house, R8 Capital Partners, incorporated, so, last month state regulators went and had it dissolved.
In addition to scores of wrongful death lawsuits, fraud convictions and massive judgments against his companies against his investments and hand-picked corporate cronies, Rauner has personally flaunted  other rules as a thing for the little people.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times,“The Rauner limited liability corporation, R8 Capital Partners, failed to file its required annual report with White’s office by a deadline last November and did not respond to a January late-filing notice that was sent out by the state, White’s office said.”
“The Daily Herald reported in March 2013 that Rauner improperly claimed the homeowner tax exemption on three of his homes in Cook County. Rauner later repaid the county $1,616 for the tax savings he incurred as a result of the improperly claimed property-tax exemptions.”
Rauner blamed someone else then, just as he’s blaming someone else now and blames others for the actions at GTCR, even though he claims he was “hands on” businessman.