After FBI Raid, Disgraced Rudy Giuliani Coming to Pennsylvania to Campaign for Doug Mastriano

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In further “confirmation of the Trumpification of Pennsylvania’s Republican Party,” disgraced and corrupt former attorney for Trump – Rudy Giuliani – is coming to campaign for far-right Doug Mastriano in Chambersburg next week.

ABC in Harrisburg broke the story, reporting: “A week after FBI raid, Rudy Giuliani prepares to host Midstate fundraiser for Mastriano… Giuliani will host a fundraiser for Mastriano on May 15 in Chambersburg, at prices ranging from $50 for a ticket to listen to Giuliani speak to $500 for a VIP meet-and-greet.”

Mastriano – a far-right insurrectionist who paid thousands to bus people to the capitol on January 6th – even bragged about the event, saying Giuliani will “talk about me, and a potential run for statewide office.” 

While embracing the far-right and fringe figures who support the Big Lie is too extreme for an overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians, it’s par for the course in the state Republican party.  

Mastriano is likely to be in a crowded GOP primary for governor along with potential candidates like Lou Barletta – who was one of the first members of Congress to support Trump in 2016 – and Joe Gale, who already launched ads against other Republicans after saying he entered the race to “continue advancing the Trump movement.” There’s also Trump appointee Bill McSwain, who spent $75,000 in taxpayer dollars to plaster his face on billboards, while refusing to speak out against the Big Lie. Meanwhile, big name Republicans like Pat Toomey and Mike Kelly have notably decided to avoid this eventual nasty GOP primary. 

“Far-right extremist Doug Mastriano’s shady fundraiser with Rudy Giuliani is more likely to draw the attention of the FBI than help him with everyday Pennsylvanians,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “It’s clear that Pennsylvania Republicans are gearing up for a super MAGA primary that will be a race to the bottom, with candidates fighting among themselves to prove their loyalty to Trump – while ignoring the real challenges facing workers and families.” 
