After Cameron Dodged Questions in 5 Debates, His Running Mate Confirms Support for Stripping Funding Away from Public Schools

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After Cameron Dodged Questions in 5 Debates, His Running Mate Confirms Support for Stripping Funding Away from Public Schools

In last night’s debate, state Senator Robby Mills, Daniel Cameron’s running mate and candidate for lieutenant governor, confirmed what we have known all along: Daniel Cameron supports a plan that would rip money away from public schools and give it to unaccountable private schools, destroying rural school districts in the process.

Mills said: “I believe that it’s important to offer our kids the best choice that they can have for their education, whether it’s vouchers or open borders, which we have now.”

 This admission comes after five debates where Cameron refused to answer directly that he supports an unconstitutional voucher scheme in a desperate attempt to cover up his long track record of undermining public education.

“After months of desperately attempting to cover up his strong support for a voucher scheme to strip funds from public schools, Daniel Cameron’s not-ready-for-prime-time running mate just threw him under the bus,” said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien. “With less than a week to go, Cameron’s harmful anti-public education stance is on full display.”

