Holcomb’s Teacher Shortage “Real And Growing”

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As the state’s legislative session started Monday, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb will have another chance to address his teacher shortage that is “real and growing.” But Holcomb’s record of inaction is costing the state’s teachers and students.
Teachers held a massive “Red for Ed” rally at the Statehouse to protest Holcomb’s inaction to improve public education. Holcomb skipped town, opting to jet off to Boca Raton.
Many education experts said Indiana’s teacher shortage is because of a drop in teacher pay, which is 16 percent less than what teachers earned two decades ago. One-third of Indiana’s teachers leave the state in the first five years and pay is a contributing factor.
Instead of addressing the issue, Holcomb “kicked the can down the road,” hiding behind a committee to study the issue to death. In case anyone needed a reminder as to what side Holcomb is on, he didn’t even include a teacher on his panel to study the teacher shortage.
Holcomb doesn’t make his insiders wait for raises through dead-end study committees and rabbit holes, and pays his employees at much higher salaries than previous governors.
“As the legislative session starts, Holcomb has another opportunity to address the teacher shortage but we won’t hold our breath,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Holcomb has shown time and again he would rather hide behind smoke and mirrors than tackle this crisis head on. Hoosiers are paying the price for Holcomb’s failed leadership.”