Where’s Walker? Omaha Today, ??? Tomorrow
WheresScottWalker.com Tracks Walker’s Jet Set Lifestyle
The same week he’s come under fire for taking 322 taxpayer-funded flights last year, Governor Scott Walker’s jetting out of Wisconsin again. His destination today: Omaha, Nebraska, where he will join fellow failed Governor Bruce Rauner for a conference.
“Governor Walker has shown time and time again that he’d rather jet set around the country to boost his own profile than solve the very real problems facing Wisconsin families,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller.“While Walker flits from state to state, Wisconsin’s roads, schools, and health care have been left to suffer. After Omaha, who knows where Walker will head next? Concerned Wisconsin voters can track their elusive governor’s whereabouts and warped priorities at WheresScottWalker.com.”