Rauner Went to Germany and All He Got Was a New Opponent

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Today, Governor Bruce Rauner held a press conference to admit that he was coming home from his almost two-week European economic development trip empty-handed. Instead, Rauner had to answer question after question about the entrance of another Republican in the governor’s race, state Senator Sam McCann.
There were high hopes prior to the trip – Crain’s Chicago Business reported a new factory was expected to be announced, but Rauner had to concede today that many conversations were still in “various stages of commitment.” In the end, Rauner’s only accomplishment was the re-announcement of a trade show first made public 237 days ago.
“Bruce Rauner went to Germany and all he got was a new opponent,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Illinois already has the highest unemployment in the region and is still suffering from the consequences of a two-year budget crisis, and Rauner once again failed to deliver for the state. It’s clear why Republicans like Sam McCann and Jeanne Ives have signed up to run against him.”